Revised: Feb 13, 2025
---- 2024 - 2025 ----
All about the Texas Lottery
Texas Lottery Past
Winning Numbers (History)
- Current & Past Winning Numbers For All Texas Lottery Games -
Lotto Texas/Texas Lotto - Cash 5 -
Texas 2 Step -
Pick3 Fireball - Daily 4 Fireball
Powerball - Mega Millions - Double Play
All or Nothing - Morning, Day, Evening, Night
(Just Click Or Scroll Down To The Game You Want)
Links for previous years drawing results (history) can be found at the bottom of this page
Betting Beyond Borders: to Sell Texas Lottery
Tickets in Europe and Africa
Texas Scorecard by Daniel Greer 2/6/25
It was announced this week that intends to sell
Texas Lottery tickets to international players. Even after
having no retailer license and after filing false information
with the SEC last week. If ya'll only knew what all
was "really" going on here, you'd be calling for law
enforcement to start putting handcuffs on several
individuals. When is the TLC going to stop these people
from winning our games and permitting such activity?
There is more to come. Click here
"Fix Lottery Loophole ...
TX lawmakers must cut off online
sales of tickets or regulate couriers"
Sale of tickets though phone apps
help people beat the system.
Dallas Morning News Editorial Board
Is anyone in Austin going to do something about the
TLC taking advantage of Texas Lottery Players
and the 22,000 loyal lottery retailers?
Feb 2, 2025 - Click here
Aggressive Lottery Ticket Offers
Join Ongoing Texas Lottery Controversies
Texas Scorecard by Daniel Greer - 1/28/25
More light shines on the TLC ... And it's not good!
Another spectacular story. While Gary Grief
is taking the brunt of the blame, and righfully so,
he still did not act alone - IMHO.Much more is
coming so stay tuned but in the meantime, read this.
Click here
How A Top Texas Lottery Official
Helped Investors Win $95 Million
Houston Chronicle by Eric Dexheimer
Front Page 02/02/25 - Posted Online 1/27/25
This is another great investigative story
that reveals more than any state official ever
wanted exposed. And there's MORE to come.
Click Here
"Former Texas Lottery Chief Gary Grief
slammed in state report on leadership failures."
Dallas Morning News by Dave Lieber
Front Page Metro Section - 1/26/25
An incredible investigative story on what auditors
found when investigating the Texas Lottery.
Click here
- Once Again - I Have Defective (Misprint) Lottery Tickets -
I purchased illegible lottery tickets and the Texas Lottery
is refusing to tell me what numbers were suppose to
be printed on them. They're claiming it's "Confidential"
information. They filed for an AG Opinion. Unbelievable -
A Must Read .... Posted 4/20/22 - Click here
The Tax Break Shenanigans of J. Winston Krause
In 2008, Commissioner Krause sued the IRS to get a
refund of interest and penalties he had paid for a disallowed
deduction and income. The disallowed deduction ... he
bought Canadian dollars for $20K; claimed he paid
$2.8 million; he showed a loss of <$2.7 million> yet
he had sold the Canadian dollars for $19.5K. A 2010
5th Circuit of Appeals quote ... "Krause's Tax
Chicanery" A very interesting and telling story
about the man who Chaired our Lottery.
- Director Gary Grief's Favorite Pastime -
Traveling The World For Free
A minimum of 105 trips at a cost of a minimum
of $160,000. An unbeliebable story - Click here
2024 Previous Drawing Results (All Games), Click here
2025 History Lotto Texas/Texas Lotto Winning Numbers/Drawing Results If You Oppose 3 Lotto TX Draws Per Week, IF You Win Lotto Texas ... See How Much You Really Won.Click here.
As Requested For Years ... Here it is! New Balls Effective March 1, 2019 |
Ball Set & Drawing Machine * New Drawing |
Draw Date |
Winning Numbers |
Jackpot Amount "Millions" |
(??) |
02-15-25 02-12-25 02-10-25 02-08-25 02-05-25 02-03-25 02-01-25 01-29-25 01-27-25 01-25-25 01-22-25 01-20-25 01-18-25 01-15-25 01-13-25 01-11-25 01-08-25 01-06-25 01-04-25 01-01-25 --- 12-30-24 12-28-24 12-25-24 12-23-24 12-21-24 12-18-24 12-16-24 12-14-24 12-11-24 12-09-24 12-07-24 12-04-24 12-02-24 11-30-24 11-27-24 11-25-24 11-23-24 11-20-24 11-18-24 11-16-24 11-13-24 11-11-24 11-09-24 11-06-24 11-04-24 11-02-24 10-30-24 10-28-24 10-26-24 10-23-24 10-21-24 10-19-24 10-16-24 10-14-24 10-12-24 10-09-24 10-07-24 10-05-24 10-02-24 09-30-24 09-28-24 09-25-24 09-23-24 09-21-24 09-18-24 09-16-24 09-14-24 09-11-24 09-09-24 09-07-24 09-04-24 09-02-24 08-31-24 08-28-24 08-26-24 08-24-24 08-21-24 08-19-24 08-17-24 08-14-24 08-12-24 08-10-24 08-07-24 08-05-24 08-03-24 07-31-24 07-29-24 07-27-24 07-24-24 07-22-24 07-20-24 07-17-24 07-15-24 07-13-24 07-10-24 07-08-24 07-06-24 07-03-24 07-01-24 06-29-24 06-26-24 ------ |
?? 05-17-18-36-40-49 04-11-13-34-36-39 10-25-32-41-48-54 03-27-41-43-49-54 05-06-20-31-37-54 02-04-12-42-51-54 02-14-18-29-40-50 09-17-25-40-46-48 03-13-25-31-32-48 02-11-18-19-29-35 10-19-21-29-40-50 05-15-28-30-34-48 19-24-29-40-42-46 02-14-16-29-46-54 01-12-15-18-20-46 12-17-26-37-38-44 09-18-31-35-41-51 15-17-35-40-46-53 20-22-29-37-41-45 ---- 08-21-25-28-35-38 04-17-33-46-48-52 20-23-30-42-50-52 07-15-27-38-42-47 05-12-21-28-46-48 04-15-18-21-45-53 01-06-07-11-19-43 07-09-18-19-42-44 14-18-20-34-36-54 07-19-22-27-40-50 01-19-21-32-37-52 07-21-35-39-43-52 22-31-37-43-45-52 02-06-24-25-33-38 01-04-14-19-38-49 01-10-22-27-42-52 04-07-13-29-39-41 11-14-19-26-32-35 08-24-34-43-46-52 04-05-09-32-36-37 04-09-11-25-28-51 01-14-16-22-39-48 03-26-27-29-34-54 03-30-34-40-46-50 03-08-22-29-49-51 11-16-21-25-39-43 07-10-17-19-44-45 07-09-13-14-15-40 01-10-15-28-49-52 12-15-22-24-31-51 03-05-27-30-35-50 02-12-22-25-38-39 06-13-14-23-26-44 01-08-28-32-39-40 14-20-23-30-42-45 33-38-43-45-47-50 05-20-22-25-29-32 10-21-37-39-43-52 10-12-19-33-34-47 02-06-22-35-51-53 03-23-30-39-40-42 13-15-43-47-48-50 13-18-35-40-44-48 02-05-11-13-22-24 18-25-32-47-49-50 03-27-29-37-44-51 16-32-34-51-53-54 03-23-24-31-33-49 09-27-28-38-39-48 02-04-31-37-38-49 01-09-22-32-47-53 24-25-37-38-40-46 04-08-21-32-34-43 12-13-17-36-47-49 02-04-16-30-36-43 05-06-08-38-41-51 10-13-21-31-33-44 14-15-22-38-44-45 04-07-26-33-43-49 01-03-10-30-39-43 01-07-14-25-42-47 04-13-28-29-30-31 10-13-29-31-39-52 29-31-32-36-51-54 07-09-13-30-37-49 06-15-29-30-38-44 03-17-34-37-39-47 07-10-15-16-24-49 06-15-21-29-39-52 04-25-27-38-42-47 06-18-21-27-35-54 06-12-24-29-45-50 06-07-15-27-35-37 05-08-21-30-33-43 06-13-20-29-34-36 03-18-20-21-41-52 14-17-22-35-48-54 02-03-10-34-36-42 01-05-14-17-18-54 08-30-33-40-41-48 12-30-43-46-49-52 ---------- |
$83.25 $80.75 $79.75 $78.25 $77.5 $76.5 $75.5 $73.75 $73.5 $72 $71 $70 $69.25 $68.75 $67.75 $66.75 $65 $63.5 $62 $60.5 --- $59.5 $58.5 $57.25 $56.25 $54.25 $53.25 $52.25 $50.5 $49.25 $48.5 $48.25 $46.75 $46.25 $45.5 $45 $44.75 $44 $43.25 $42.25 $41.25 $39.75 $39.25 $39 $37.5 $36.25 $36 $34.75 $34 $33.5 $32.25 $31.25 $30.5 $29.75 $29 $28.25 $27.25 $26.5 $25.5 $24.25 $23.5 $23.25 $22.25 $21.5 $21 $20 $19.5 $19 $18.25 $17.5 $17.25 $16.5 $16 $15.5 $14.75 $14.25 $13.75 $13 $12.5 $12 $11.5 $10.75 $10.5 $9.5 $9.25 $9 $8.75 $8.5 $8.25 $8 $7.75 $7.5 $7.25 $7 $6.75 $6.5 $6.25 $6 $5.75 $5.5 $5.25 $5 ---- |
As Requested For Years ... Here it is! *Corrected Numbers Drawn or BAll Set Used New Balls Effective Feb 1, 2025 |
Ball Set & Machine |
Draw Date |
Winning Numbers |
(??) |
02-13-25 02-12-25 02-11-25 02-10-25 02-08-25 02-07-25 02-06-25 02-05-25 02-04-25 02-03-25 02-01-25 01-31-25 01-30-25 01-29-25 01-28-25 01-27-25 01-25-25 01-24-25 01-23-25 01-22-25 01-21-25 01-20-25 01-18-25 01-17-25 01-16-25 01-15-25 01-14-25 01-13-25 01-11-25 01-10-25 01-09-25 01-08-25 01-07-25 01-06-25 01-04-25 01-03-25 01-02-25 01-01-25 ------ 12-31-24 12-30-24 12-28-24 12-27-24 12-26-24 12-25-24 12-24-24 12-23-24 12-21-24 12-20-24 12-19-24 12-18-24 12-17-24 12-16-24 12-14-24 12-13-24 12-12-24 12-11-24 12-10-24 12-09-24 12-07-24 12-06-24 12-05-24 12-04-24 12-03-24 12-02-24 11-30-24 11-29-24 11-28-24 11-27-24 11-26-24 11-25-24 11-23-24 11-22-24 11-21-24 11-20-24 11-19-24 11-18-24 11-16-24 11-15-24 11-14-24 11-13-24 11-12-24 11-11-24 11-09-24 11-08-24 11-07-24 11-06-24 11-05-24 11-04-24 11-02-24 11-01-24 ------ |
?? 01-14-21-23-25 01-06-07-20-31 02-03-04-06-14 01-06-10-14-22 05-06-11-17-35 01-06-23-24-28 03-18-24-26-34 06-08-13-21-34 06-12-14-15-28 02-17-19-28-30 06-18-21-25-35 09-13-27-31-35 05-12-14-19-21 10-14-18-24-29 01-05-14-31-35 01-02-20-26-32 06-15-22-30-32 01-05-18-20-21 05-11-13-20-34 03-13-18-22-23 06-12-18-24-28 03-06-10-22-23 02-16-21-25-34 10-24-29-33-35 02-03-07-10-35 08-10-11-18-28 12-21-22-26-32 05-08-11-22-35 04-05-07-14-24 03-04-05-10-29 01-05-07-21-31 05-11-18-19-23 01-10-22-24-34 12-19-20-27-34 10-24-27-30-33 14-20-23-29-30 05-09-14-18-25 -------- 04-09-14-32-35 02-27-31-33-35 10-19-20-27-31 07-13-16-24-31 06-12-17-31-33 05-07-11-21-34 13-22-29-30-32 04-05-19-21-28 01-06-08-11-16 15-26-27-29-33 11-17-24-26-28 03-05-27-30-33 12-14-16-19-31 06-22-26-27-30 01-02-04-12-20 10-11-12-15-28 04-08-16-18-31 03-12-14-17-18 17-25-26-27-31 12-15-18-26-33 04-08-11-14-33 01-02-05-10-30 12-15-29-33-34 08-10-20-22-23 01-06-11-18-20 06-07-14-24-35 01-03-13-30-32 04-06-15-23-26 12-28-30-33-35 02-04-10-28-30 05-22-28-29-32 04-09-10-17-21 13-15-18-24-34 01-10-20-21-29 11-13-19-31-34 09-18-22-26-33 09-11-16-20-21 01-02-05-19-30 23-24-25-26-29 09-12-15-18-23 02-05-13-30-35 09-17-18-23-24 04-06-11-30-31 09-15-20-23-33 03-13-21-26-32 10-20-23-26-33 05-11-29-31-34 04-09-12-21-34 01-16-24-31-32 01-07-08-24-30 05-14-15-25-29 02-04-14-20-25 ----- |
2024 Drawing Results - All Games, Click here * Dates that all 5 numbers repeated
A Strategy For Playing Pick3, Click here. Order A Pick3 Combination Report As Requested For Years ... Here it is! New Balls Effective 01/02/17 Fireball - Effective April 28, 2019 * Corrected Numbers Drawn Pick3 Fireball Sales & Payouts, Click here |
Morning - 10 AM | Day - 12:27 PM | Evening - 6 PM | Night - 10:12 PM | ||||
Numbers Drawn | Fireball | Numbers Drawn | Fireball | Numbers Drawn | Fireball | Numbers Drawn | Fireball |
02-13-25 |
? 4 0 4 3 9 2 6 6 6 1 1 7 7 4 0 4 4 7 0 3 6 4 1 3 2 9 5 7 2 9 0 4 6 0 6 9 3 --- 2 6 4 4 9 0 4 4 9 9 1 4 5 3 8 3 0 7 2 5 6 1 0 5 7 6 3 6 1 6 4 5 9 4 7 8 7 0 9 5 9 7 0 6 2 7 1 5 8 0 0 9 5 6 4 0 3 9 4 1 4 1 0 3 3 7 2 3 7 9 3 9 8 5 4 1 6 4 0 8 3 7 0 3 9 3 1 5 0 9 6 2 7 6 5 7 9 9 6 1 4 4 6 9 8 -- |
02-13-25 02-12-25: 915 02-11-25: 991 02-10-25: 671 02-08-25: 083 02-07-25: 549 02-06-25: 807 02-05-25: 105 02-04-25: 747 02-03-25: 582 02-01-25: 568 01-31-25: 508 01-30-25: 866 01-29-25: 335 01-28-25: 729 01-27-25: 770 01-25-25: 604 01-24-25: 429 01-23-25: 019 01-22-25: 918 01-21-25: 154 01-20-25: 930 01-18-25: 612 01-17-25: 743 01-16-25: 381 01-15-25: 961 01-14-25: 199 01-13-25: 388 01-11-25: 080 01-10-25: 182 01-09-25: 261 01-08-25: 861 01-07-25: 355 01-06-25: 277 01-04-25: 844 01-03-25: 028 01-02-25: 737 01-01-25: 766 --- 12-31-24: 633 12-30-24: 708 12-28-24: 475 12-27-24: 834 12-26-24: 583 12-25-24: 764 12-24-24: 751 12-23-24: 935 12-21-24: 982 12-20-24: 699 12-19-24: 762 12-18-24: 932 12-17-24: 184 12-16-24: 304 12-14-24: 925 12-13-24: 607 12-12-24: 047 12-11-24: 430 12-10-24: 088 12-09-24: 701 12-07-24: 855 12-06-24: 309 12-05-24: 840 12-04-24: 197 12-03-24: 504 12-02-24: 436 11-30-24: 869 11-29-24: 711 11-28-24: 076 11-27-24: 251 11-26-24: 490 11-25-24: 029 11-23-24: 727 11-22-24: 462 11-21-24: 105 11-20-24: 574 11-19-24: 281 11-18-24: 731 11-16-24: 068 11-15-24: 758 11-14-24: 822 11-13-24: 633 11-12-24: 132 11-11-24: 952 11-09-24: 009 11-08-24: 301 11-07-24: 877 11-06-24: 451 11-05-24: 202 11-04-24: 925 11-02-24: 109 11-01-24: 611 10-31-24: 859 10-30-24: 736 10-29-24: 384 10-28-24: 737 10-26-24: 206 10-25-24: 702 10-24-24: 854 10-23-24: 564 10-22-24: 475 10-21-24: 782 10-19-24: 200 10-18-24: 150 10-17-24: 361 10-16-24: 910 10-15-24: 860 10-14-24: 985 10-12-24: 658 10-11-24: 232 10-10-24: 833 10-09-24: 077 10-08-24: 946 10-07-24: 058 10-05-24: 261 10-04-24: 337 10-03-24: 039 10-02-24: 288 10-01-24: 627 09-30-24: 569 09-28-24: 034 09-27-24: 296 09-26-24: 025 09-25-24: 671 09-24-24: 740 09-23-24: 417 09-21-24: 055 09-20-24: 515 09-19-24: 600 09-18-24: 175 09-17-24: 398 09-16-24: 487 09-14-24: 436 09-13-24: 393 09-12-24: 251 09-11-24: 638 09-10-24: 769 09-09-24: 746 09-07-24: 705 09-06-24: 678 09-05-24: 879 09-04-24: 462 09-03-24: 765 09-02-24: 665 08-31-24: 255 ---- |
? 5 0 3 6 2 2 8 2 5 9 3 1 6 5 9 4 0 8 4 3 1 4 7 4 6 6 9 6 9 7 7 6 3 2 4 4 9 -- 4 5 2 1 1 3 8 2 2 5 8 8 4 7 9 5 1 7 7 1 3 3 7 1 7 7 2 1 4 2 2 9 5 2 4 2 3 2 8 6 6 7 8 3 3 1 3 4 2 8 0 4 9 6 8 4 3 3 1 0 4 8 1 8 9 9 8 0 4 4 9 0 0 5 2 7 4 8 5 6 5 1 6 4 4 2 1 7 3 5 6 9 5 7 0 9 8 9 0 5 3 2 5 9 0 -- |
02-13-25 02-12-25: 677 02-11-25: 358 02-10-25: 198 02-08-25: 970 02-07-25: 919 02-06-25: 878 02-05-25: 923 02-04-25: 660 02-03-25: 543 02-01-25: 179 01-31-25: 128 01-30-25: 385 01-29-25: 588 01-28-25: 753 01-27-25: 845 01-25-25: 721 01-24-25: 297 01-23-25: 143 01-22-25: 430 01-21-25: 154 01-20-25: 961 01-18-25: 149 01-17-25: 595 01-16-25: 019 01-15-25: 731 01-14-25: 736 01-13-25: 596 01-11-25: 089 01-10-25: 998 01-09-25: 877 01-08-25: 955 01-07-25: 672 01-06-25: 108 01-04-25: 227 01-03-25: 573 01-02-25: 060 01-01-25: 474 --- 12-31-24: 571 12-30-24: 392 12-28-24: 644 12-27-24: 305 12-26-24: 078 12-25-24: 633 12-24-24: 195 12-23-24: 455 12-21-24: 727 12-20-24: 791 12-19-24: 842 12-18-24: 859 12-17-24: 693 12-16-24: 660 12-14-24: 688 12-13-24: 984 12-12-24: 364 12-11-24: 545 12-10-24: 121 12-09-24: 578 12-07-24: 543 12-06-24: 201 12-05-24: 454 12-04-24: 896 12-03-24: 322 12-02-24: 537 11-30-24: 572 11-29-24: 773 11-28-24: 338 11-27-24: 212 11-26-24: 498 11-25-24: 027 11-23-24: 119 11-22-24: 992 11-21-24: 215 11-20-24: 264 11-19-24: 509 11-18-24: 118 11-16-24: 564 11-15-24: 717 11-14-24: 771 11-13-24: 154 11-12-24: 503 11-11-24: 394 11-09-24: 960 11-08-24: 718 11-07-24: 908 11-06-24: 741 11-05-24: 613 11-04-24: 021 11-02-24: 736 11-01-24: 061 10-31-24: 817 10-30-24: 878 10-29-24: 157 10-28-24: 571 10-26-24: 263 10-25-24: 658 10-24-24: 624 10-23-24: 084 10-22-24: 145 10-21-24: 293 10-19-24: 854 10-18-24: 888 10-17-24: 697 10-16-24: 756 10-15-24: 634 10-14-24: 003 10-12-24: 540 10-11-24: 021 10-10-24: 936 10-09-24: 875 10-08-24: 351 10-07-24: 059 10-05-24: 092 10-04-24: 958 10-03-24: 914 10-02-24: 505 10-01-24: 318 09-30-24: 094 09-28-24: 940 09-27-24: 234 *09-26-24: 335 09-25-24: 350 09-24-24: 760 09-23-24: 202 09-21-24: 850 09-20-24: 088 09-19-24: 860 09-18-24: 598 09-17-24: 853 09-16-24: 948 09-14-24: 215 09-13-24: 087 09-12-24: 425 09-11-24: 609 09-10-24: 110 09-09-24: 565 09-07-24: 418 09-06-24: 366 09-05-24: 650 09-04-24: 909 09-03-24: 476 09-02-24: 857 08-31-24: 854 ---- |
? 1 8 7 4 2 6 3 3 6 4 5 8 4 7 9 9 3 8 9 0 9 7 9 5 0 0 8 1 1 2 7 3 0 3 5 4 0 -- 3 3 4 8 2 5 6 4 8 7 2 2 5 4 1 9 5 4 0 2 5 0 8 1 3 9 7 4 4 0 0 2 9 3 7 3 8 5 9 7 2 2 7 6 4 1 0 4 1 5 0 4 6 6 5 8 9 6 7 6 1 4 4 8 9 3 6 5 3 8 4 1 8 6 7 9 4 7 7 8 8 9 4 7 0 1 9 9 2 4 3 0 9 3 1 5 3 8 7 3 8 4 8 7 5 -- |
02-13-25 02-12-25: 853 02-11-25: 723 02-10-25: 855 02-08-25: 256 02-07-25: 735 02-06-25: 014 02-05-25: 647 02-04-25: 578 02-03-25: 350 02-01-25: 512 01-31-25: 776 01-30-25: 871 01-29-25: 572 01-28-25: 887 01-27-25: 454 01-25-25: 369 01-24-25: 676 01-23-25: 462 01-22-25: 116 01-21-25: 192 01-20-25: 385 01-18-25: 278 01-17-25: 381 01-16-25: 187 01-15-25: 476 01-14-25: 729 01-13-25: 730 01-11-25: 360 01-10-25: 475 01-09-25: 282 01-08-25: 998 01-07-25: 348 01-06-25: 324 01-04-25: 679 01-03-25: 601 01-02-25: 764 01-01-25: 512 ------ 12-31-24: 421 12-30-24: 956 12-28-24: 869 12-27-24: 347 12-26-24: 504 12-25-24: 325 12-24-24: 835 12-23-24: 499 12-21-24: 424 12-20-24: 875 12-19-24: 616 12-18-24: 294 12-17-24: 302 12-16-24: 190 12-14-24: 331 12-13-24: 095 12-12-24: 642 12-11-24: 636 12-10-24: 523 12-09-24: 925 12-07-24: 931 12-06-24: 940 12-05-24: 034 12-04-24: 900 12-03-24: 855 12-02-24: 504 11-30-24: 068 11-29-24: 916 11-28-24: 868 11-27-24: 969 11-26-24: 560 11-25-24: 693 11-23-24: 323 11-22-24: 327 11-21-24: 721 11-20-24: 593 11-19-24: 312 11-18-24: 282 11-16-24: 682 11-15-24: 287 11-14-24: 011 11-13-24: 850 11-12-24: 189 11-11-24: 244 11-09-24: 286 11-08-24: 569 11-07-24: 946 11-06-24: 336 11-05-24: 509 11-04-24: 166 11-02-24: 232 11-01-24: 671 10-31-24: 375 10-30-24: 406 10-29-24: 746 10-28-24: 421 10-26-24: 202 10-25-24: 143 10-24-24: 956 10-23-24: 109 10-22-24: 036 10-21-24: 212 10-19-24: 389 10-18-24: 954 10-17-24: 682 10-16-24: 279 10-15-24: 753 10-14-24: 773 10-12-24: 376 10-11-24: 307 10-10-24: 782 10-09-24: 919 10-08-24: 163 10-07-24: 904 10-05-24: 564 10-04-24: 217 10-03-24: 457 10-02-24: 172/772 10-01-24: 867 09-30-24: 881 09-28-24: 115 09-27-24: 164 09-26-24: 012 09-25-24: 102 09-24-24: 207 09-23-24: 438 09-21-24: 805 09-20-24: 281 09-19-24: 958 09-18-24: 239 09-17-24: 823 09-16-24: 861 09-14-24: 910 09-13-24: 052 09-12-24: 045 09-11-24: 447 09-10-24: 744 09-09-24: 322 09-07-24: 970 09-06-24: 077 09-05-24: 504 09-04-24: 933 09-03-24: 938 09-02-24: 349 08-31-24: 838 ------- |
? 2 7 6 1 6 0 8 7 7 8 8 5 3 9 4 6 6 9 7 8 9 5 1 4 1 9 2 0 2 2 7 8 5 5 0 9 7 -- 5 3 9 9 7 4 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 6 6 4 6 0 1 9 5 4 3 6 8 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 7 6 7 0 0 8 8 7 7 8 6 6 9 9 4 8 1 2 7 0 8 7 8 6 3 0 2 9 9 5 7 8 9 0 0 1 3 0 5 9 9 1 0 7 0 3 6 8 4 2 7 1 9 9 9 2 0 1 8 7 9 0 4 7 3 0 4 0 5 8 -- |
4 |
Morning - 10 AM | Day - 12:27 PM | Evening - 6 PM | Night - 10:12 PM | ||||
2024 Drawing Results - All Games, Click here Pick3 Fireball Sales & Payouts, Click here |
- First Drawing - Fireball - Effective April 28, 2019
An add on game to Pick3 and Daily 4. The extra Pick3 Fireball Sales & Payouts, Click here |
Morning - 10 AM | Day - 12:27 PM | Evening - 6 PM | Night - 10:12 PM | ||||
Numbers Drawn | Fireball | Numbers Drawn | Fireball | Numbers Drawn | Fireball | Numbers Drawn | Fireball |
02-13-25: 02-12-25: 2207 02-11-25: 2649 02-10-25: 1029 02-08-25: 8970 02-07-25:1203 02-06-25: 4980 02-05-25: 2815 02-04-25: 6788 02-03-25: 2347 02-01-25: 6607 01-31-25: 9272 01-30-25: 5902 01-29-25: 6087 01-28-25: 5520 01-27-25: 3670 01-25-25: 4797 01-24-25: 4562 01-23-25: 3079 01-22-25: 5666 01-21-25: 2346 01-20-25: 0391 01-18-25: 7911 01-17-25: 1895 01-16-25: 1670 01-15-25: 5262 01-14-25: 7831 01-13-25: 6842 01-11-25: 8473 01-10-25: 1673 01-09-25: 3956 01-08-25: 1015 01-07-25: 1755 01-06-25: 4518 01-04-25: 3929 01-03-25: 1394 01-02-25: 3109 01-01-25: 8740 ---- 12-31-24: 7371 12-30-24: 0468 12-28-24: 2822 12-27-24: 5473 12-26-24: 4071 12-25-24: 0931 12-24-24: 0152 12-23-24: 4663 12-21-24: 2454 12-20-24: 4260 12-19-24: 8231 12-18-24: 3997 12-17-24: 3859 12-16-24: 1808 12-14-24: 5105 12-13-24: 6537 12-12-24: 1898 12-11-24: 9311 12-10-24: 6868 12-09-24: 2231 12-07-24: 0267 12-06-24: 8428 12-05-24: 3406 12-04-24: 7512 12-03-24: 2781 12-02-24: 8647 11-30-24: 0640 11-29-24: 2138 11-28-24: 7258 11-27-24: 4682 11-26-24: 8735 11-25-24: 2629 11-23-24: 1378 11-22-24: 4604 11-21-24: 6205 11-20-24: 7619 11-19-24: 3039 11-18-24: 4812 11-16-24: 7507 11-15-24: 6828 11-14-24: 2074 11-13-24: 5799 11-12-24: 0482 11-11-24: 6927 11-09-24: 1921 11-08-24: 7626 11-07-24: 9426 11-06-24: 3968 11-05-24: 2414 11-04-24: 9528 11-02-24: 9178 11-01-24: 8420 ---- |
? 5 0 6 3 8 1 1 5 6 2 9 3 6 9 2 4 2 0 1 6 6 8 8 9 2 7 6 7 8 7 2 2 8 5 4 1 2 -- 4 8 0 1 8 8 3 6 1 0 2 5 0 4 0 1 2 8 5 1 5 8 1 5 6 4 4 8 7 5 2 3 9 9 0 2 4 9 2 5 7 5 8 0 3 3 0 2 7 1 6 0 --- |
02-13-25: 02-12-25: 6677 02-11-25: 5952 02-10-25: 2486 02-08-25: 3900 02-07-25: 0879 02-06-25: 6875 02-05-25: 1549 02-04-25: 6049 02-03-25: 8672 02-01-25: 7322 01-31-25: 8265 01-30-25: 3590 01-29-25: 9685 01-28-25: 1652 01-27-25: 8771 01-25-25: 0435 01-24-25: 4583 01-23-25: 1872 01-22-25: 2492 01-21-25: 3333 01-20-25: 7461 01-18-25: 5663 01-17-25: 2339 01-16-25: 5179 01-15-25: 6977 01-14-25: 8436 01-13-25: 6001 01-11-25: 3718 01-10-25: 8162 01-09-25: 6002 01-08-25: 7174 01-07-25: 1341 01-06-25: 7839 01-04-25: 7885 01-03-25: 3252 01-02-25: 2238 01-01-25: 3590 ------ 12-31-24: 1746 12-30-24: 9644 12-28-24: 5440 12-27-24: 3145 12-26-24: 7204 12-25-24: 9283 12-24-24: 9768 12-23-24: 4869 12-21-24: 4992 12-20-24: 5866 12-19-24: 6576 12-18-24: 2529 12-17-24: 6097 12-16-24: 5998 12-14-24: 6187 12-13-24: 9343 12-12-24: 7860 12-11-24: 5907 12-10-24: 0565 12-09-24: 8080 12-07-24: 6867 12-06-24: 8739 12-05-24: 7319 12-04-24: 4182 12-03-24: 4237 12-02-24: 8499 11-30-24: 2492 11-29-24: 1684 11-28-24: 1527 11-27-24: 8122 11-26-24: 2389 11-25-24: 2853 11-23-24: 0980 11-22-24: 7255 11-21-24: 1820 11-20-24: 6575 11-19-24: 5525 11-18-24: 2491 11-16-24: 2563 11-15-24: 7654 11-14-24: 0194 11-13-24: 3448 11-12-24: 1535 11-11-24: 0888 11-09-24: 2380 11-08-24: 2330 11-07-24: 4735 11-06-24: 4204 11-05-24: 3107 11-04-24: 6114 11-02-24: 1146 11-01-24: 7510 ----- |
? 9 8 1 6 2 3 0 1 7 9 9 3 8 0 7 2 5 0 0 7 5 8 5 3 2 3 6 6 8 8 0 9 9 1 4 5 4 -- 1 7 8 8 5 6 5 7 1 7 7 0 4 4 5 6 4 6 9 5 1 6 6 9 7 7 6 1 3 7 0 2 4 8 8 9 1 3 4 8 1 8 3 6 1 1 2 4 8 5 9 1 --- |
02-03-25: 02-12-25: 7848 02-11-25: 0241 02-10-25: 3034 02-08-25: 5220 02-07-25: 4114 02-06-25: 0625 02-05-25: 3394 02-04-25: 4180 02-03-25: 3322 02-01-25: 7193 01-31-25: 9366 01-30-25: 0928 01-29-25: 2760 01-28-25: 6614 01-27-25: 7131 01-25-25: 0399 01-24-25: 8991 01-23-25: 4259 01-22-25: 6095 01-21-25: 7468 01-20-25: 7942 01-18-25: 0822 01-17-25: 0214 01-16-25: 9535 01-15-25: 2858 01-14-25: 0594 01-13-25: 9277 01-11-25: 5108 01-10-25: 3100 01-09-25: 9646 01-08-25: 4953 01-07-25: 1187 01-06-25: 7298 01-04-25: 6732 01-03-25: 3552 01-02-25: 7310 01-01-25: 6924 ----- 12-31-24: 1364 12-30-24: 4296 12-28-24: 3615 12-27-24: 8436 12-26-24: 8804 12-25-24: 7837 12-24-24: 9994 12-23-24: 3700 12-21-24: 2597 12-20-24: 0714 12-19-24: 7924 12-18-24: 5819 12-17-24: 0911 12-16-24: 7858 12-14-24: 0452 12-13-24: 3398 12-12-24: 0523 12-11-24: 5954 12-10-24: 6858 12-09-24: 6083 12-07-24: 1269 12-06-24: 5560 12-05-24: 2660 12-04-24: 9313 12-03-24: 8494 12-02-24: 7261 11-30-24: 6051 11-29-24: 9464 11-28-24: 7110 11-27-24: 6225 11-26-24: 9543 11-25-24: 1150 11-23-24: 9869 11-22-24: 1867 11-21-24: 4843 11-20-24: 5443 11-19-24: 0404 11-18-24: 2159 11-16-24: 9999 11-15-24: 6464 11-14-24: 6237 11-13-24: 7932 11-12-24: 6748 11-11-24: 8693 11-09-24: 7303 11-08-24: 9430 11-07-24: 8729 11-06-24: 6885 11-05-24: 2705 11-04-24: 9483 11-02-24: 4033 11-01-24: 5015 ------ |
? 2 8 6 5 3 9 8 8 2 8 3 4 7 8 5 8 4 8 5 0 2 7 8 9 5 8 0 6 8 6 0 2 4 9 4 0 2 -- 4 7 0 7 4 5 4 0 1 1 3 9 7 0 5 1 9 6 0 4 3 8 5 2 2 1 8 1 8 5 3 6 7 7 9 1 5 8 2 3 5 6 3 8 8 7 7 9 9 3 4 4 -- |
02-03-25 02-12-25: 0654 02-11-25: 8237 02-10-25: 4118 02-08-25: 6655 02-07-25: 5691 02-06-25: 2251 02-05-25: 2519 02-04-25: 3024 02-03-25: 5515 02-01-25: 7914 01-31-25: 7569 01-30-25: 2500 01-29-25: 2814 01-28-25: 6638 01-27-25: 2094 01-25-25: 3839 01-24-25: 3997 01-23-25: 1974 01-22-25: 7971 01-21-25: 9144 01-20-25: 7742 01-18-25: 1052 01-17-25: 5475 01-16-25: 8936 01-15-25: 2237 01-14-25: 9835 01-13-25: 5679 01-11-25: 7216 01-10-25: 8298 01-09-25: 2241 01-08-25: 5472 01-07-25: 3347 01-06-25: 7057 01-04-25: 7944 01-03-25: 1202 01-02-25: 2795 01-01-25: 5342 ------ 12-31-24: 1405 12-30-24: 7162 12-28-24: 2008 12-27-24: 9753 12-26-24: 5138 12-25-24: 3772 12-24-24: 3524 12-23-24: 3671 12-21-24: 4858 12-20-24: 1629 12-19-24: 5315 12-18-24: 5907 12-17-24: 1242 12-16-24: 8435 12-14-24: 5082 12-13-24: 1638 12-12-24: 1591 12-11-24: 9753 12-10-24: 8507 12-09-24: 1634 12-07-24: 0530 12-06-24: 6448 12-05-24: 8485 12-04-24: 3064 12-03-24: 3670 12-02-24: 5687 11-30-24: 0116 11-29-24: 4342 11-28-24: 0152 11-27-24: 8390 11-26-24: 1142 11-25-24: 7925 11-23-24: 9936 11-22-24: 1561 11-21-24: 0356 11-20-24: 4424 11-19-24: 1561 11-18-24: 8039 11-16-24: 3682 11-15-24: 7526 11-14-24: 4356 11-13-24: 3798 11-12-24: 3867 11-11-24: 4086 11-09-24: 0467 11-08-24: 7932 11-07-24: 0586 11-06-24: 5189 11-05-24: 6048 11-04-24: 5129 11-02-24: 1789 11-01-24: 3914 ------ |
? 7 0 9 2 4 7 4 9 0 2 6 6 7 0 9 9 5 1 3 0 2 5 0 6 9 4 1 4 4 8 0 6 4 3 1 1 7 -- 2 3 0 8 5 1 1 4 2 1 9 9 2 6 4 5 1 2 8 3 8 3 8 7 0 3 6 7 8 3 5 5 7 8 5 7 9 5 5 6 9 0 1 4 6 3 0 1 6 0 7 9 -- |
Morning -10 AM |
Day - 12:27 PM |
Evening - 6 PM | Night - 10:12 PM | ||||
2024 Drawing Results - All Games, Click here Pick3 Fireball Sales & Payouts, Click here
As Requested For Years ... Here it is! ------------------- |
Ball Set & Drawing Machine |
Draw Date **Drawing Held at Remote Location Using Old Ball Sets |
Winning Numbers |
(??) (72K/72K) (72K/72K) (77K/77K) (74J/74J) (77J/77J) (74J/74J) (75J/75J) (75J/75J) (74J/74J) (73J/73J) (73J/73J) (73J/73J) ----- (73I/73I) (75I/75I) (73I/73I) (73I/73I) (74I/74I) (73I/73I) (72I/72I) (75I/75I) (74I/74I) (62H/62H) (61H/61H) (66H/66H) (65H/65H) (62H/62H) (64H/64H) (65H/65H) (61H/61H) ----- |
02-13-25 02-10-25 02-06-25 02-03-25 01-30-25 01-27-25 01-23-25 01-20-25 01-16-25 01-13-25 01-09-25 01-06-25 01-02-25 ---- 12-30-24 12-26-24 12-23-24 12-19-24 12-16-24 12-12-24 12-09-24 12-05-24 12-02-24 11-28-24 11-25-24 11-21-24 11-18-24 11-14-24 11-11-24 11-07-24 11-04-24 ---- |
?? Bonus ?? 02-22-26-31 Bonus 27 06-07-11-31 Bonus 03 10-20-24-31 Bonus 18 02-09-20-25 Bonus 09 16-20-34-35 Bonus 24 01-02-15-25 Bonus 03 04-08-19-25 Bonus 24 10-14-29-31 Bonus 25 12-16-28-35 Bonus 16 12-15-18-29 Bonus 06 01-08-20-26 Bonus 19 04-10-25-27 Bonus 33 ----- 05-18-23-31 Bonus 35 18-19-27-29 Bonus 20 09-16-25-30 Bonus 18 01-17-22-24 Bonus 13 22-24-25-27 Bonus 01 04-08-17-18 Bonus 34 04-25-27-33 Bonus 20 06-08-27-29 Bonus 23 11-14-30-35 Bonus 16 11-13-18-24 Bonus 19 03-10-28-35 Bonus 34 10-18-21-30 Bonus 16 09-15-31-34 Bonus 06 24-26-34-35 Bonus 01 06-17-28-32 Bonus 29 17-21-22-30 Bonus 09 10-16-23-24 Bonus 10 ------ |
2024 Drawing Results - All Games, Click here About Texas 2 Step
- Powerball Drawing Results - Powerball Is Obnoxiously Harder To Win If You Oppose 3 Powerball Draws Per Week, Compare How Many Tickets (MM vs PB) |
Draw Date |
Winning Numbers |
Jackpot Amount (Millions) |
02-12-25 02-10-25 02-08-24 02-05-25 02-03-25 02-01-25 01-29-25 01-27-25 01-25-25 01-22-25 01-20-25 01-18-25 01-15-25 01-13-25 01-11-25 01-08-25 01-06-25 01-04-25 01-01-25 ----- 12-30-24 12-28-24 12-25-24 12-23-24 12-21-24 12-18-24 12-16-24 12-14-24 12-11-24 12-09-24 12-07-24 12-04-24 12-02-24 11-30-24 11-27-24 11-25-24 11-23-24 11-20-24 11-18-24 11-16-24 11-13-24 11-11-24 11-09-24 11-06-24 11-04-24 11-02-24 10-30-34 10-28-24 10-26-24 ---- |
21-32-36-45-49 Bonus 18 02-17-18-29-43 Bonus 03 23-44-57-60-62 Bonus 09 19-27-30-50-62 Bonus 14 12-37-47-54-60 Bonus 17 23-29-32-49-61 Bonus 08 08-12-31-33-38 Bonus 18 02-40-47-53-55 Bonus 20 08-15-17-53-66 Bonus 14 05-06-27-40-49 Bonus 05 15-16-32-47-54 Bonus 06 14-31-35-64-69 Bonus 23 08-41-52-53-58 Bonus 07 04-06-16-39-66 Bonus 09 03-06-32-37-65 Bonus 04 01-20-36-38-43 Bonus 24 17-34-46-66-67 Bonus 14 26-32-43-54-56 Bonus 24 06-12-28-35-66 Bonus 26 ---- 09-19-33-38-39 Bonus 01 06-31-51-54-55 Bonus 12 15-26-27-30-35 Bonus 03 22-42-44-57-64 Bonus 18 01-12-17-21-58 Bonus 01 06-15-18-33-49 Bonus 07 09-30-33-57-61 Bonus 17 12-17-23-52-67 Bonus 01 13-44-50-52-54 Bonus 20 35-37-40-45-51 Bonus 24 01-31-43-55-57 Bonus 22 01-23-25-28-61 Bonus 13 03-09-26-61-67 Bonus 13 04-24-29-39-63 Bonus 25 01-06-07-13-40 Bonus 05 05-35-45-60-63 Bonus 12 12-13-34-44-67 Bonus 08 16-30-60-62-64 Bonus 25 27-31-41-52-69 Bonus 26 21-22-25-32-38 Bonus 16 09-20-26-43-58 Bonus 09 03-21-24-34-46 Bonus 09 11-24-50-56-66 Bonus 16 12-17-37-58-62 Bonus 04 06-18-33-48-53 Bonus 21 10-45-48-58-61 Bonus 02 13-22-29-43-58 Bonus 22 21-27-32-48-67 Bonus 17 08-12-40-45-51 Bonus 15 ----- |
$172 $154 $142 $133 $113 $100 $89 $69 $56 $46 $31 $20 $303 $285 $263 $240 $220 $200 $178 ---- $163 $145 $117 $103 $88 $69 $55 $45 $30 $20 $240 $224 $214 $196 $184 $171 $155 $144 $130 $113 $103 $92 $75 $63 $54 $39 $28 $20 --- |
2024 Drawing Results Texas began playing Powerball January 31, 2010 --- 2015 Powerball Rule--- |
---- 2025 History ---- Powerball's Double Play began - 8/23/21 - in 13 |
Draw Date |
Winning Numbers |
# of Winners $10 Million (Top Prize) |
# of Winners $500 K (2nd Prize) |
02-15-25 02-12-25 02-10-25 02-08-25 02-05-25 02-03-25 02-01-25 01-29-25 01-27-25 01-25-25 01-22-25 01-20-25 01-18-25 01-15-25 01-13-25 01-11-25 01-08-25 01-06-25 01-04-25 01-01-25 ---- 12-30-24 12-28-24 12-25-24 12-23-24 12-21-24 12-18-24 12-16-24 12-14-24 12-11-24 12-09-24 12-07-24 12-04-24 12-02-24 ----- |
?? Bonus ?? 11-24-26-31-39 Bonus 15 02-21-34-38-44 Bonus 19 05-20-23-36-53 Bonus 17 13-24-40-41-50 Bonus 04 07-38-39-42-55 Bonus 10 03-15-37-49-69 Bonus 16 18-28-41-63-68 Bonus 04 01-09-34-63-67 Bonus 06 02-05-52-59-60 Bonus 16 01-12-39-40-52 Bonus 15 10-23-33-38-54 Bonus 17 07-34-40-48-57 Bonus 17 11-15-25-51-54 Bonus 15 29-30-32-37-56 Bonus 18 22-24-25-44-53 Bonus 20 22-29-36-61-65 Bonus 17 41-44-54-57-64 Bonus 13 12-25-63-65-66 Bonus 14 08-10-25-33-66 Bonus 20 ------ 15-34-52-56-57 Bonus 14 22-40-42-54-68 Bonus 07 08-29-30-47-57 Bonus 01 16-49-62-63-68 Bonus 10 29-45-46-51-59 Bonus 03 41-45-52-56-67 Bonus 06 02-07-15-21-56 Bonus 12 12-16-36-55-64 Bonus 03 18-23-34-60-62 Bonus 19 07-17-28-44-54 Bonus 08 08-10-39-57-61 Bonus 12 14-35-43-48-54 Bonus 01 14-27-34-39-40 Bonus 04 -------- |
? 0 1 (MS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- |
? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (TN) 0 0 0 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- |
- Powerball's Double Play - Related Links All About Double Play, Click here Double Play Rule, Click here Sales by Draw, Click here Sales by State, Click here Jurisdictions/States Selling 2024 Drawing Results |
- Mega Millions Drawing Results - About those awful MM changes (Oct 2017) - Just Texas Mega Millions Sales - |
Draw Date |
Winning Numbers |
Jackpot Amount (Millions) |
02-14-25 02-11-25 02-07-25 02-04-24 01-31-25 01-28-25 01-24-25 01-21-25 01-17-25 01-14-25 01-10-25 01-07-25 01-03-25 ----- 12-31-24 12-27-24 12-24-24 12-20-24 12-17-24 12-13-24 12-10-24 12-06-24 12-03-24 11-29-24 11-26-24 11-22-24 11-19-24 11-15-24 11-12-24 11-08-24 11-05-24 11-01-24 10-29-24 10-25-24 10-22-24 10-18-24 10-15-24 10-11-24 10-08-24 10-04-24 10-01-24 09-27-24 09-24-24 09-20-24 09-17-24 09-13-24 ------- |
?? Bonus ?? 07-30-39-41-70 Bonus 13 04-24-32-41-55 Bonus 16 14-24-31-53-54 Bonus 01 09-28-48-56-63 Bonus 02 10-19-31-47-56 Bonus 06 08-12-43-52-62 Bonus 18 27-30-56-64-65 Bonus 22 08-10-37-54-69 Bonus 22 04-14-35-49-62 Bonus 06 09-23-39-65-66 Bonus 22 20-24-33-39-48 Bonus 18 20-42-46-59-69 Bonus 19 ---------- 13-22-27-29-35 Bonus 01 03-07-37-49-55 Bonus 06 11-14-38-45-46 Bonus 03 02-20-51-56-67 Bonus 19 56-66-67-68-69 Bonus 18 36-43-52-58-65 Bonus 16 12-14-26-48-52 Bonus 21 16-21-33-39-45 Bonus 24 52-60-61-66-67 Bonus 23 03-29-34-37-38 Bonus 17 05-22-24-39-42 Bonus 03 13-20-26-32-65 Bonus 02 05-35-50-51-59 Bonus 08 05-17-35-55-69 Bonus 19 18-31-33-64-68 Bonus 17 25-28-42-64-69 Bonus 19 02-24-25-52-58 Bonus 09 11-22-42-46-51 Bonus 04 16-22-26-36-56 Bonus 01 23-26-35-41-43 Bonus 07 08-43-48-58-60 Bonus 04 04-09-26-39-58 Bonus 23 22-34-44-54-62 Bonus 03 03-10-29-52-57 Bonus 20 03-19-20-22-66 Bonus 09 21-39-42-43-45 Bonus 03 27-35-47-50-66 Bonus 25 29-46-53-69-70 Bonus 23 01-06-10-23-27 Bonus 18 20-21-40-49-55 Bonus 11 14-31-48-57-64 Bonus 09 21-55-56-57-66 Bonus 01 ------ |
$ $110 $94 $77 $59 $44 $28 $20 $113 $95 $77 $62 $42 ---- $20 $619 $579 $541 $514 $489 $453 $420 $387 $361 $334 $303 $281 $250 $229 $205 $185 $169 $150 $129 $108 $93 $77 $62 $47 $31 $20 ------ |
Compare How Many Tickets (MM vs PB) 2023 Drawing Results Texans Begin Playing Mega Millions (12/5/03)
2025 History |
All or Nothing Winning Numbers |
02-13-25 02-12-25 02-11-25 02-10-25 02-08-25 02-07-25 02-06-25 02-05-25 02-04-25 02-03-25 02-01-25 01-31-25 01-30-25 01-29-25 01-28-25 01-27-25 01-25-25 01-24-25 01-23-25 01-22-25 01-21-25 01-20-25 01-18-25 01-17-25 01-16-25 01-15-25 01-14-25 01-13-25 01-11-25 01-10-25 01-09-25 01-08-25 01-07-25 01-06-25 01-04-25 01-03-25 01-02-25 01-01-25 ---- 12-31-24 12-30-24 12-28-24 12-27-24 12-26-24 12-25-24 12-24-24 12-23-24 12-21-24 12-20-24 12-19-24 12-18-24 12-17-24 12-16-24 12-14-24 12-13-24 12-12-24 12-11-24 12-10-24 12-09-24 12-07-24 12-06-24 12-05-24 12-04-24 12-03-24 12-02-24 11-30-24 11-29-24 11-28-24 11-27-24 11-26-24 11-25-24 11-23-24 11-22-24 11-21-24 11-20-24 11-19-24 11-18-24 11-16-24 11-15-24 11-14-24 11-13-24 11-12-24 11-11-24 11-09-24 11-08-21 11-07-24 11-06-24 11-05-24 11-04-24 11-02-24 11-01-24 ----- |
?? 01-02-04-06-08-11-12-13-17-19-23-24 01-02-06-08-09-10-12-13-15-19-23-24 01-02-03-04-06-07-08-11-12-14-23-24 01-04-05-08-09-11-13-15-20-21-22-24 02-04-09-10-11-14-16-17-19-22-23-24 02-04-06-07-08-09-11-16-18-19-22-24 01-03-04-06-07-09-11-15-19-20-22-24 02-04-07-08-10-11-13-14-20-22-23-24 02-03-04-05-09-10-12-15-16-20-21-23 05-06-08-09-10-12-13-14-16-17-20-24 02-03-04-05-08-09-10-12-14-19-21-22 01-03-04-05-07-08-11-17-18-20-23-24 03-04-05-06-07-08-11-13-15-18-23-24 01-02-03-04-05-07-09-17-20-22-23-24 01-03-05-08-10-13-14-15-17-19-23-24 03-07-09-10-11-12-13-17-19-20-22-24 01-05-06-10-12-15-16-17-18-20-21-22 01-02-05-07-08-09-13-15-16-17-20-21 03-04-06-07-08-09-16-17-18-19-20-23 02-03-05-06-08-09-11-12-14-17-21-24 02-03-05-06-10-13-14-15-16-21-23-24 02-03-04-07-08-11-13-14-18-20-21-22 01-03-04-07-12-15-16-17-18-19-22-24 03-04-07-08-09-10-12-13-16-19-21-23 01-02-03-04-06-07-11-12-16-20-21-24 01-03-04-06-07-10-12-13-15-18-19-23 01-02-07-08-09-11-14-16-18-19-21-23 04-05-09-11-13-16-17-18-19-20-21-23 01-02-03-09-12-13-15-17-19-20-22-24 01-06-09-11-12-13-14-16-18-19-21-22 02-06-09-10-13-14-16-17-19-20-22-23 02-07-09-10-11-12-13-15-16-19-20-22 01-02-03-08-14-15-17-18-19-20-21-22 01-02-04-06-09-10-11-13-15-18-23-24 01-03-04-05-06-10-12-13-17-20-22-24 04-05-06-08-11-13-14-16-18-19-20-24 01-03-06-07-08-11-14-15-19-20-22-23 ---- 05-08-09-10-12-17-18-19-21-22-23-24 02-04-09-10-12-13-14-17-18-20-22-23 03-04-06-08-09-13-14-16-19-20-21-24 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-10-11-16-18-22 03-05-06-08-09-10-12-15-16-17-21-22 01-05-06-08-09-12-16-17-18-20-22-23 03-04-06-09-12-13-15-16-20-21-23-24 01-02-03-05-06-08-11-13-15-17-21-23 02-04-08-09-10-15-16-17-18-19-20-22 03-04-05-08-09-11-15-16-17-20-22-24 01-06-07-10-11-13-14-15-16-17-18-19 03-05-06-08-09-16-17-18-19-20-22-23 02-03-04-05-06-07-11-13-14-16-17-23 01-06-07-08-11-12-15-17-18-19-21-22 01-02-04-08-09-13-14-17-18-19-20-24 01-02-03-05-11-13-14-16-18-19-20-21 02-03-05-08-09-14-15-16-18-19-20-23 02-03-07-09-11-13-14-16-18-20-21-23 01-06-07-08-10-12-15-17-18-19-20-23 01-05-07-08-09-12-15-16-19-21-22-24 01-03-04-09-10-12-14-15-16-17-18-21 01-02-04-05-10-13-14-16-18-21-23-24 01-02-03-05-07-11-14-15-16-17-20-23 01-02-05-07-08-09-10-12-13-16-18-22 02-03-05-07-08-12-14-17-19-21-22-23 04-06-07-08-09-10-15-16-18-20-22-23 01-03-04-06-09-10-11-13-18-20-21-22 02-03-08-09-11-12-14-15-18-19-21-24 01-02-06-07-08-11-13-14-15-18-21-22 01-02-06-08-13-15-16-19-21-22-23-24 01-02-03-04-08-10-11-13-15-16-18-20 04-06-07-08-10-11-13-18-19-21-23-24 01-02-04-05-07-10-12-13-14-17-18-24 01-02-04-06-07-11-13-15-18-20-22-24 01-02-04-06-08-10-11-16-18-19-21-24 01-07-09-13-14-15-16-17-20-21-23-24 02-03-05-06-07-08-12-17-19-21-23-24 03-06-07-08-09-11-12-13-17-21-22-24 01-03-04-07-14-16-18-19-21-22-23-24 04-05-06-07-08-12-13-14-16-17-19-24 02-04-07-09-10-11-13-15-17-20-21-23 02-05-06-07-08-09-12-15-16-17-18-23 01-04-05-06-10-11-12-15-16-17-18-24 02-03-04-05-06-11-15-16-17-19-21-22 02-03-05-07-08-10-14-15-16-17-20-24 04-06-07-08-09-10-13-14-15-17-21-24 01-02-03-04-06-08-09-10-19-20-21-22 01-02-04-05-06-07-09-12-13-14-17-23 03-04-05-06-07-08-10-15-19-22-23-24 07-08-11-12-13-14-16-17-21-22-23-24 02-03-06-07-11-12-13-15-17-19-22-24 01-02-03-09-12-15-16-18-19-20-23-24 ---------- 2024 Drawing Results All Games, Click here
All or Nothing Winning Numbers DAY Draw - 12:27 PM |
02-13-25 02-12-25 02-11-25 02-10-25 02-08-25 02-07-25 02-06-25 02-05-25 02-04-25 02-03-25 02-01-25 01-31-25 01-30-25 01-29-25 01-28-25 01-27-25 01-25-25 01-24-25 01-23-25 01-22-25 01-21-25 01-20-25 01-18-24 01-17-25 01-16-25 01-15-25 01-14-25 01-13-25 01-11-25 01-10-25 01-09-25 01-08-25 01-07-25 01-06-25 01-04-25 01-03-25 01-02-25 01-01-25 ---- 12-31-24 12-30-24 12-28-24 12-27-24 12-26-24 12-25-24 12-24-24 12-23-24 12-21-24 12-20-24 12-19-24 12-18-24 12-17-24 12-16-24 12-14-24 12-13-24 12-12-24 12-11-24 12-10-24 12-09-24 12-07-24 12-06-24 12-05-24 12-04-24 12-03-24 12-02-24 11-30-24 11-29-24 11-28-24 11-27-24 11-26-24 11-25-24 11-23-24 11-22-24 11-21-24 11-20-24 11-19-24 11-18-24 11-16-24 11-15-24 11-14-24 11-13-24 11-12-24 11-11-24 11-09-24 11-08-24 11-07-24 11-06-24 11-05-24 11-04-24 11-02-24 11-01-24 ----- |
?? 01-02-06-08-12-14-16-17-18-19-20-24 04-05-06-07-09-11-13-14-17-19-20-21 04-05-07-08-10-12-13-15-17-21-22-24 01-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-12-16-20-24 01-04-09-11-12-15-18-19-21-22-23-24 02-04-05-07-10-12-14-16-19-20-22-23 03-04-05-09-11-15-18-19-20-21-22-23 02-05-06-07-08-12-13-14-15-18-22-23 03-07-09-10-11-14-17-18-19-20-21-22 01-03-06-07-08-09-11-16-20-22-23-24 05-06-08-10-12-13-15-18-19-21-23-24 03-04-05-08-10-11-13-14-15-18-21-22 01-02-06-07-08-10-11-18-19-20-23-24 01-02-04-05-07-15-18-19-20-21-22-24 01-04-05-08-09-11-13-14-17-18-22-23 02-05-08-10-12-13-14-15-18-19-21-22 01-03-04-05-07-08-13-17-18-20-21-22 02-03-06-08-11-12-13-16-17-18-20-22 02-03-04-05-06-07-09-13-14-16-17-24 01-02-04-10-12-14-16-18-19-21-22-23 02-04-05-06-10-11-12-13-14-19-20-22 05-07-10-11-13-14-16-17-19-20-21-22 01-03-07-08-12-13-14-15-16-18-22-23 01-03-05-07-08-09-10-11-12-16-17-20 02-04-05-11-12-14-15-17-18-20-23-24 01-03-05-06-13-15-16-17-18-20-22-24 01-02-03-04-05-07-13-16-17-18-21-23 08-09-10-11-12-13-15-16-19-20-23-24 01-02-06-07-08-09-14-17-19-21-22-24 01-03-11-12-13-14-16-17-19-21-23-24 01-05-06-08-11-16-17-18-21-22-23-24 01-04-06-07-08-09-11-13-15-17-20-24 01-02-03-04-05-07-08-11-15-16-19-20 01-04-07-09-10-11-12-15-18-20-21-24 01-07-09-10-12-14-15-17-19-20-23-24 01-02-03-07-08-10-12-13-15-19-20-22 02-05-06-09-10-14-16-18-20-21-23-24 ---------- 01-03-05-07-08-11-12-14-21-22-23-24 05-06-08-09-10-11-12-14-16-17-23-24 01-02-04-05-08-09-12-14-16-18-23-24 02-03-08-09-12-13-15-19-20-21-23-24 01-02-03-05-06-07-12-15-18-19-23-24 02-03-05-06-08-09-14-16-20-22-23-24 02-03-04-05-07-09-11-15-17-19-20-21 05-07-09-10-14-16-17-19-20-22-23-24 01-04-05-07-08-09-10-12-13-14-22-23 01-02-08-09-11-12-13-17-18-20-23-24 03-04-06-07-08-09-12-15-16-19-21-24 02-05-07-08-09-10-12-13-17-21-23-24 03-04-06-08-11-12-14-15-16-21-22-23 01-05-08-09-14-16-17-18-19-20-23-24 01-05-08-09-10-11-14-15-16-17-20-22 02-07-08-09-11-12-13-15-16-19-20-21 01-02-03-05-07-09-10-11-12-18-21-22 02-04-06-08-09-14-15-16-18-20-22-24 01-03-06-08-09-10-11-13-15-17-18-22 05-07-09-10-11-12-14-16-19-21-22-24 02-08-10-11-12-13-16-18-19-20-22-23 01-02-03-09-10-13-15-17-20-21-22-23 02-05-07-09-11-14-15-18-19-20-21-22 01-04-06-09-11-13-14-16-17-19-22-23 04-05-06-08-10-11-12-13-16-18-21-22 04-06-08-09-11-14-17-18-19-20-21-24 01-02-03-07-08-12-13-15-16-18-20-21 01-02-04-05-09-10-14-16-19-21-22-23 03-04-06-07-08-10-12-13-16-21-22-24 01-02-03-09-11-12-13-15-18-19-20-24 01-03-05-06-08-10-11-15-16-22-23-24 02-06-08-10-13-14-16-18-19-20-23-24 01-03-04-08-11-12-13-15-20-21-23-24 01-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-12-18-21-22 01-02-04-05-09-12-13-14-15-18-19-24 01-03-05-07-08-12-16-17-18-19-21-24 01-05-09-10-13-14-15-18-20-21-22-24 02-03-05-06-09-10-12-16-17-18-21-22 02-05-07-08-09-10-12-15-16-18-22-24 02-04-05-06-09-10-11-14-16-19-22-23 01-02-03-05-06-08-11-13-14-18-19-22 01-03-10-12-14-16-17-18-19-20-21-23 02-03-05-07-10-11-15-16-17-20-22-23 01-04-05-06-09-10-12-16-17-19-20-21 02-03-04-05-07-09-13-14-17-18-19-23 02-04-07-08-10-11-16-17-18-19-20-23 03-05-06-07-09-12-15-18-21-22-23-24 01-03-04-06-07-08-10-16-18-20-23-24 02-04-06-07-09-11-13-14-19-21-23-24 01-03-04-05-11-12-13-15-16-21-23-24 03-04-05-06-07-11-13-15-16-17-20-24 01-02-03-04-07-09-15-16-17-19-21-24 ------- 2024 Drawing Results All Games - Click here |
All or Nothing Winning Numbers EVENING Draw - 6:00 PM |
02-13-25 |
?? 05-06-08-09-10-11-13-15-17-18-19-23 02-03-05-07-08-09-10-16-17-20-22-24 02-04-05-09-10-12-13-14-15-16-17-20 01-02-03-08-09-14-15-17-18-19-21-23 01-02-03-05-06-11-12-16-17-18-19-22 01-03-04-05-07-10-12-13-17-19-20-23 01-02-04-10-11-12-14-17-18-20-21-22 01-02-03-07-10-12-13-15-16-17-20-24 02-03-04-11-12-13-14-15-17-18-19-20 03-07-08-09-10-12-15-16-18-20-23-24 01-02-04-05-06-07-09-14-18-20-23-24 03-05-06-10-14-16-17-19-21-22-23-24 02-06-07-08-12-13-14-19-20-21-23-24 01-04-06-08-09-10-13-15-19-20-21-24 02-06-08-09-10-15-16-17-18-19-20-21 02-04-05-11-12-14-15-18-19-20-23-24 03-04-10-11-12-13-14-15-17-20-22-23 02-03-05-06-09-10-12-13-15-17-19-24 01-06-08-09-10-13-14-15-16-17-21-24 01-02-03-07-10-11-12-13-16-19-21-24 01-02-05-07-08-09-10-12-14-18-21-22 01-03-06-07-08-11-12-14-16-22-23-24 02-05-08-10-12-15-16-18-20-21-23-24 01-03-07-09-12-13-14-17-18-19-20-24 04-07-08-09-11-12-14-17-18-19-20-24 01-03-11-12-13-14-15-18-19-22-23-24 03-05-06-07-09-10-12-13-14-15-18-22 02-04-06-07-08-09-11-15-18-20-22-24 02-03-04-05-07-08-14-16-17-18-19-24 02-03-04-05-07-09-12-13-14-15-16-22 02-04-05-06-08-11-12-16-20-22-23-24 01-02-04-05-08-16-17-19-21-22-23-24 02-03-05-06-08-13-14-15-17-18-19-21 02-06-07-08-10-12-13-16-17-21-22-23 01-02-03-05-06-07-08-12-16-17-18-23 03-04-06-07-10-12-13-14-16-20-22-24 02-03-04-06-07-10-11-14-15-17-20-23 ------------- 02-04-05-06-10-11-14-15-20-22-23-24 01-04-05-06-08-14-15-16-18-21-22-24 02-03-04-06-07-08-11-12-14-19-21-23 04-06-08-09-10-12-15-16-17-20-22-23 02-04-07-09-10-13-14-15-18-19-20-24 03-06-10-11-13-14-15-16-18-22-23-24 01-03-04-06-08-09-10-11-14-16-21-22 01-02-03-07-08-12-16-18-19-22-23-24 03-05-06-09-11-13-14-15-17-18-21-22 03-06-08-09-14-15-16-17-19-21-22-23 01-02-04-05-06-07-09-10-15-16-21-24 02-03-07-08-10-13-14-16-17-20-23-24 03-06-08-13-14-16-17-18-20-22-23-24 03-05-07-08-10-11-13-14-15-18-19-20 01-04-09-10-11-12-13-15-17-22-23-24 04-05-06-08-09-12-15-16-19-20-23-24 01-05-06-08-09-11-12-14-15-17-18-23 01-03-04-08-10-12-14-16-17-19-23-24 01-03-04-07-08-09-11-12-14-18-20-23 01-04-07-10-11-12-14-15-18-19-20-24 01-02-03-05-07-08-09-10-11-13-16-18 02-04-05-06-09-10-12-13-14-16-17-22 02-03-04-05-06-09-12-13-17-20-21-23 03-07-08-09-11-12-16-18-19-20-21-22 02-04-05-07-08-09-10-14-15-17-20-21 01-05-07-09-10-11-12-19-20-21-23-24 05-07-10-11-13-14-15-17-18-19-23-24 05-06-09-10-11-13-14-15-17-20-22-24 02-04-05-07-09-10-12-13-16-17-18-21 01-02-03-06-07-09-12-16-17-19-22-23 02-03-06-08-10-12-14-16-17-18-21-24 01-03-06-07-08-09-11-13-17-19-22-23 04-05-06-07-09-11-13-14-15-16-19-23 01-03-04-06-08-09-12-14-15-18-23-24 01-02-05-06-07-08-14-15-16-18-19-20 02-03-05-09-12-13-14-17-19-21-22-24 05-06-07-08-09-12-13-14-15-16-18-21 01-03-04-05-06-07-12-14-15-18-20-21 02-04-05-06-09-10-12-15-16-18-20-24 03-06-07-09-10-11-16-17-18-19-21-24 01-03-04-06-07-08-09-10-13-20-21-22 01-02-03-05-09-11-13-14-15-17-20-24 01-02-03-04-05-07-09-12-15-17-18-21 03-04-09-11-12-14-16-17-19-21-22-24 03-05-06-07-11-13-14-19-21-22-23-24 02-03-04-07-08-11-13-15-16-18-23-24 01-03-04-06-12-13-15-16-17-20-22-24 01-05-06-07-09-10-11-12-14-16-22-24 02-03-06-11-12-15-16-18-19-21-22-23 01-03-06-12-13-15-16-17-19-22-23-24 05-06-08-10-12-13-14-15-18-19-21-24 03-05-07-09-10-11-14-15-18-22-23-24 -------------- 2024 Drawing Results |
All or Nothing Winning Numbers
02-13-25 |
?? 01-02-06-08-09-10-13-14-15-17-22-23 02-03-04-09-10-13-14-20-21-22-23-24 02-04-05-07-08-12-13-14-16-18-19-21 03-05-06-08-11-12-14-18-21-22-23-24 02-05-06-08-13-14-19-20-21-22-23-24 01-03-06-09-10-12-14-18-19-20-23-24 02-04-08-11-12-14-16-19-20-21-22-24 02-04-06-08-11-13-14-17-18-19-20-24 04-05-06-11-12-13-14-17-21-22-23-24 02-04-05-06-08-09-13-15-17-19-22-24 01-02-03-04-05-06-12-13-15-16-20-24 01-02-03-06-09-10-11-13-14-16-18-24 03-05-06-08-10-13-16-18-20-22-23-24 01-02-03-04-07-12-17-18-20-21-22-24 01-09-10-11-13-14-15-17-19-21-22-24 01-02-03-05-06-12-14-18-20-21-23-24 01-02-04-05-06-10-12-14-15-19-20-24 01-04-05-09-10-11-12-14-17-21-23-24 04-05-06-07-13-14-15-17-19-20-21-24 01-02-03-06-08-09-10-12-14-19-21-23 06-07-09-10-11-12-14-16-18-19-20-22 01-02-04-05-08-09-10-11-13-19-21-22 03-04-05-07-12-15-17-18-19-22-23-24 02-04-05-06-08-11-14-15-16-20-22-24 01-03-05-06-11-12-16-17-18-20-22-23 01-03-04-09-10-11-13-18-20-21-23-24 01-03-04-05-10-13-14-17-19-20-21-23 01-02-06-07-12-13-15-19-20-21-22-23 02-06-08-09-10-12-13-14-19-20-21-23 01-02-05-06-07-08-10-15-16-19-20-23 01-03-05-10-12-14-15-18-19-20-22-24 02-03-05-06-08-09-10-11-13-14-15-19 01-05-06-08-11-14-15-16-19-21-22-23 02-04-08-09-10-11-13-15-16-18-23-24 01-02-08-11-12-13-15-18-20-22-23-24 01-02-05-06-07-11-12-14-16-20-23-24 03-04-07-10-11-15-16-19-21-22-23-24 ---------------- 02-04-05-06-07-12-14-16-19-21-22-24 02-03-05-06-07-12-13-16-20-21-22-23 03-04-06-08-09-12-13-16-18-20-21-24 02-03-05-06-10-11-12-14-16-18-22-23 05-07-09-12-13-14-17-18-19-20-22-24 01-03-04-05-07-08-12-13-14-17-18-24 01-06-07-08-10-11-12-13-16-20-22-24 02-04-06-07-10-11-12-16-17-18-22-23 01-03-04-05-06-13-14-16-20-21-22-24 01-03-08-09-10-13-15-16-17-20-22-24 01-02-04-07-09-10-12-15-18-21-22-24 04-05-06-09-10-13-14-16-17-19-22-24 02-03-04-07-13-15-16-17-18-20-21-23 02-03-05-06-08-11-14-15-16-18-19-21 01-02-03-09-10-11-14-15-17-18-19-24 02-05-07-09-11-12-14-16-18-21-22-23 03-06-07-08-09-11-13-14-15-19-21-22 03-04-05-07-09-11-15-16-18-21-22-24 01-02-05-06-07-08-10-12-13-16-17-18 02-03-07-08-10-11-12-13-15-19-20-21 01-03-05-06-09-10-11-13-14-16-18-22 01-02-03-04-05-09-10-11-12-17-18-19 02-03-06-08-09-13-15-16-18-22-23-24 04-06-07-09-10-11-13-15-19-20-23-24 01-02-05-07-08-09-10-11-13-15-17-23 01-03-05-06-08-10-11-13-18-22-23-24 01-02-05-13-14-15-16-18-20-21-22-24 01-05-07-08-10-12-17-18-20-21-23-24 07-08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-18-22 03-05-06-09-10-11-13-15-16-17-20-24 02-03-04-08-09-12-14-19-20-21-23-24 02-03-04-09-11-12-14-16-18-20-23-24 02-03-04-06-08-10-13-14-15-16-19-22 01-02-04-08-09-10-13-15-19-20-22-24 02-04-05-06-08-09-10-13-17-20-21-23 02-04-07-09-10-11-14-15-18-19-22-23 02-03-05-07-08-09-10-12-13-14-20-24 01-05-06-07-10-11-14-18-20-21-23-24 04-05-07-09-10-14-15-16-18-20-23-24 03-04-05-06-07-08-12-14-16-18-22-23 02-03-04-10-12-14-15-16-17-20-22-24 02-07-09-10-11-13-15-16-17-19-21-23 02-03-04-05-06-08-09-11-15-16-17-20 02-06-08-09-10-11-14-17-20-21-22-23 01-03-04-06-13-15-16-17-18-19-23-24 01-02-03-05-06-08-09-12-14-16-20-21 01-02-04-05-06-07-09-20-21-22-23-24 01-03-06-08-09-10-18-19-20-21-22-24 02-03-04-05-08-11-15-17-18-20-21-24 02-03-04-09-12-14-16-17-18-19-20-22 01-02-03-06-10-11-12-13-14-19-21-24 03-05-06-09-11-13-15-17-18-21-22-23 ----------- 2024 Drawing Results All Games, Click here
To win, you must match either 3, 4, 5, 6, Triple Chance Winners Game Over - Last Draw 7/28/18 2018 Drawing Results - About Texas Triple Chance -
- History of Texas Lottery Winning Numbers -
All Games
Texas - Previous Years Drawing Results/Winning Numbers
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Shown Above
Winning Numbers - Drawing Results -
Big Game and/or Mega Millions:
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006,2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
All Games - Draw Sales
Lotto Texas - Sales and winnings by the draw and by the roll, Click here
Pick3 - Ticket sales vs winnings, Click here
Daily 4 - Ticket sales vs winnings, Click here
Lone Star Line Up (Promo 2017) - Draw sales, Click here (pdf)
Cash5 - Sales and winnings by the draw, Click here
Texas 2 Step - Sales and wnnings by the draw and by the roll, Click here
Texas Triple Chance - Sales and % Returned to Players, Click here
Lotto TX Ticket - Just Sales & Jackpot Amounts, Click here
Powerball - Sales Broken Down by State, Click here
Powerball & Powerplay - Just Sales and Jackpot Amounts - Click here
Megaplier Tickets Sales broken down by state - Click here
Mega Millions - Sales broken down by State, Click here
Mega Millions - Just Ticket Sales and Jackpot Amounts, Click here
This is an unofficial site and is not associated
with the TLC (TxLottery). Although I take
extreme care
in posting the results- I offer no
warranty as to the accuracy of any of my
presented information. To confirm winning
numbers- I strongly urge you to obtain a
printout from your retailer. Do NOT ask
them to run your tickets through the machines -
the TxLottery machines can & do make mistakes.
Check your own tickets.
(All About the TxLottery)
P. O. Box 495033
Garland- Texas 75049-5033
(972) 686-0660