About The $95 Million
Lotto Texas Win
Part One of a Five Part Series
The TLC implies in two Press Releases
that your neighbors and fellow players
were rushing out and buying lottery tickets
for an exclusive chance to win the jackpot.
They knew better but spead that rumor anyway.
Posted 5/2/23 - Click here.
Part Two of a Five Part Series
Did Gary Grief skirt the laws to allow Apps
to sell Texas Lottery tickets via their phones
and online? Did he lie to the media and
to the Senate Finance Committee when he
explained how "couriers" were sent to
licensed Lottery retailers to purchase lottery
tickets? Finally, see how the Apps work.
Posted 5/8/23 - Click here
Part Three of a Five Part Series
Sports team owners want a piece
of the lottery
and Apps provide
information ... Posted 5/22/23 - Click here
Part Four of a Five Part Series
Kudo's to our elected officials. They've
a clear message to the TLC. The
TLC should
NOT honor the 4/22/23
Lotto TX winning ticket
and for fun,
see what your winnings would be
if you bought all Lotto Texas
Plus more ...
Posted 6/26/23 ... Click here
Part Five of a Five Part Series
To come in the near future
Editorial & Opinions by Dawn Nettles
Jan 29, 2025
Before ya'll start reading the multitude of stories regarding what the TLC
has done, I want to say a few things. Most of you know that I've been
concerned about the actions of the TLC regarding the apps since at
least 2019. This was because I FELT they were illegal and was not the
intent of the state when the lottery was created back in 1992. At any rate,
it's taken a long time but several things have happened that FINALLY
got the attention of the legislature and some very special folks who
realized I was on to something so I finally got help!
The first trigger was when lottery.com made headlines
and was shut down for, actually, a number of reasons!
The second trigger was when Jerry Jones got in on owning
an app
and the final trigger was the $95 million
STOLEN jackpot.
And now it's been almost 2 years since the steal but many
things have transpired in these past two years which have
been reported by news outlets as they were able to obtain
the information they needed. It takes time to investigate
especially when you deal with LIARS & DENIERS.
So, my home page has way to many stories with links posted
on it. Therefore, I'm moving all stories to this page but will continue
to keep just the most recent stories on my home page. Eventually
they'll be removed but WILL be posted on this page.
There are a few things I want to say and/or remind you
regarding Gary Grief and the actions of the Texas Lottery.
Let's not forget these things ....
1) The 2013 missing money story. $3 million was missing
but the NEVER found the money. The Internal Auditor
before she could conduct "one" more audit and
this was
an audit of the Claim Centers checking accounts.
Also of interest, the lottery did away with the position
of "Internal" Audit and chose to go with "External" Auditiors.
2) The Fun 5's scratch ticket ... In 2014 Gary chose to
continue selling these tickets KNOWING they were
deceptive. His famous last words in making the decision
to continue selling the tickets was, "It's a Nettles thing -
it'll pass and nothing will come of it." I don't think in
the end G-Tech/IGT agrees with him unless of course,
prize monies helped fund their legal expenses. Just a
thought I had.
3) Gary traveled the world at the expense of the
state. And just the cost to join the World Lottery
Association (membership dues) - Texas paid
I think the state paid for his travel!!!
4) Gary/and or lottery staff, INFLATED the
$95 million jackpot. I knew they were counting
on the jackpot being bought and won but they
grossly estimated sales by TX players. Because
I do the exact same estimates as they do before each
lotto draw, I know that Gary and staff, knew they were
over estimating what TX players would spend. As
a result, the TLC overpaid that jackpot by $1,863,280
because the TLC guarantees EITHER the amount in the prize
pool or the cost to fund the amount advertised. It's interesting
that this was the last jackpot estimate Gary signed off on too!
By the way, you WANT the rule to remain this way.
5) Gary is directly responsible for calling apps "couriers."
Courier services deliver a product to you and the apps
don't deliver any product to you. You have to go get it.
They send you a scanned image of a ticket via your phone.
He did this so it would appear to legislators that he had
no oversite of a delivery business.
6) Gary and/or legal allowed the so-called winners to
collect their 5 of 6 and 4 of 5, low tier prizes, anonymously.
That's against the law. The words used by the TLC was that
an "entity" collected the prizes.
7) Gary's most famous words are, sales increased again this year.
This is money for schools and veterans. This my friend, is a bunch of
crap. Here's why ... sales may have increased but TX winners
have decreased. This means the winners money is being
spent in communities outside of TX. 50% of sales is suppose to
be prize money which is the way it should be. And winners
buy houses, cars, help animals, kids, buy firetrucks, build parks etc.
By allowing apps to sell to players across the country and world wide,
all for the sake of increasing his sales, well, he's hurt the TX economy.
8) In Oct 2015, Mr. Grief inquired about bringing
Sports Betting to Texas. The Governor got wind of it
and sent Mr. Grief a nasty letter telling him that
he is not allowed to expand gambling. And to cease all
travel and employees travel for this purpose. (paraphrased)
9) So OK ... let's say they choose to allow buying tickets via computers
and phones .... fine BUT make sure all 22,000 TX lottery retailers
can charge the same amount for selling tickets. When you use an app,
you'll pay an est $1.15 or more for the ticket then the apps get their
5 cent commission on top of that.
10) Gary's was/is dealing with some pretty bad folks. He has
given them everything they needed to pull off this $95 M jackpot
win plus some other things which I won't go into at this time.
One app - lottery.com - organized the scam. There were
4 sellers involved and lottery.com was the lead.
While all these things are REALLY bad, you know
what even worse. lottery.com had NO bank acct for
the TLC to sweep. The lottery actaully sent them an
email/letter with wiring instructions on where to wire
their money to for selling lottery tickets!
One can conclude from the things I've mentioned that other
employees are involved as well as vendors. I have much to
report on as do several well known reporters. The stories will
come in time.
In closing my comments, the Legislature needs to shut down
buying lottery products from phones, apps, I Pads, QR codes
and they need to rescind anonymous claims PERIOD. If one
wins the lottery, he needs to keep his mouth shut. This change in
law came in about the same time Mr. Grief was working on
increasing sales "ideas." I wonder, why did Mr. Grief
really want anyonomous claims for prizes greater than
$1 million? Texas winners didn't have serious problems
as implied.
The Truth is Coming Out
Slowly but Surely ...
Here's the many stories about the $95 stolen jackpot!
In my 4 part series regarding the stolen $95 million
jackpot (left column), you'll find links to many
other stories
that are not shown here.
Betting Beyond Borders:
Lottery.com to Sell Texas Lottery
Tickets in Europe and Africa
Texas Scorecard by Daniel Greer 2/6/25
It was announced this week that lottery.com intends to sell
Texas Lottery tickets to international players. Even after
having no retailer license and after filing false information
with the SEC last week. If ya'll only knew what all
was "really" going on here, you'd be calling for law
enforcement to start putting handcuffs on several
individuals. When is the TLC going to stop these people
from winning our games and permitting such activity?
There is more to come. Click here
"Fix Lottery Loophole ...
TX lawmakers must cut off online
sales of tickets or regulate couriers"
Sale of tickets though phone apps
help people beat the system.
Dallas Morning News Editorial Board
Is anyone in Austin going to do something about the
TLC taking advantage of Texas Lottery Players
and the 22,000 loyal lottery retailers?
Feb 2, 2025 - Click here
Aggressive Lottery Ticket Offers
Join Ongoing Texas Lottery Controversies
Texas Scorecard by Daniel Greer - 1/28/25
More light shines on the TLC ... And it's not good!
Another spectacular story. While Gary Grief
is taking the brunt of the blame, and righfully so,
he still did not act alone - IMHO.Much more is
coming so stay tuned but in the meantime, read this.
Click here
How A Top Texas Lottery Official
Helped Investors Win $95 Million
Houston Chronicle by Eric Dexheimer
Front Page 02/02/25 - Posted Online 1/27/25
This is another great investigative story
that reveals more than any state official ever
wanted exposed. And there's MORE to come.
Click Here
"Former Texas Lottery Chief Gary Grief
slammed in state report on leadership failures."
Dallas Morning News by Dave Lieber
Front Page Metro Section - 1/26/25
An incredible investigative story on what auditors
found when investigating the Texas Lottery.
Click here
"Report Exposes Rogue TLC Leadership"
by Daniel Greer - Texas Scorecard
A MUST read and know two things.
1) It's ALL true and 2) there's more shocking
findings to come out. Posted 1/10/25 - Click here
"Exposed" (TLC Caught)
Texas Scorecard - Daniel Greer
Validating all that I've said about the
STOLEN $95 million Lotto TX jackpot.
Plus Much More! Watch the Preview.
Posted Dec 29, 2024 - Click here
5 Part Series Titled "EXPOSED"
- Listen to ALL Episodes. From my link
you can click on each one individually.
I'd start with Episode 1 - Posted Jan 7, 2025
Click here
Sunset Commission FINALLY Holds
Texas Lottery Accountable, A Scathing Report
So now that "someone else" is confirming
my "allegations" ... what will our lawmakers
do to HELP TX Lottery Players?
Will we get fair game of chance and will
we be protected from "anonoymous" claims?
Posted 01/07/25, Click here (pdf)
11/6/24 Online Headline Reads ...
International Syndicate Bought Almost Every
Numeric Combination for 2023 Lotto Texas.
Purchase of most possible tickets
essentially locked out Texas players.
Did the gamble pay off?
Dallas Morning News by Dave Lieber
The Dallas Morning News was the first newspaper
to report this story in April 2023.And Dave Lieber has
done one tremendous job in his follow up story for
his readers.The story is online now and will appear in
the paper on Sunday, Nov 10, 2024. Click here
11/4/24 Headline Reads ...
Texas Lottery Commission
Caught Misrepresenting Rule Change
Texas Scorecard by Daniel Greer
This is truly a long overdue story - As you can see
from everythng I've posted since the April 2023
stolen Lotto Texas $95 million jackpot, I'm elated to
see that the media is picking up on the true FACTS
behind the TLC's actions/neglect to its loyal players.
How they'll cheat us and their loyal lottery retailers
all for the sake of increasing their sales.
Posted 11/5/24 - A MUST Read - Click here
The 2024 Sunset Review of the
TX Lottery
Massive Coverage on
the Apps
& The Stolen $95M Jackpot
The Sunset Commission completed its review of the TLC
and presented it to the Commission on 8/14/24.
I did
submit both written and oral testimony at the hearing.
then, I've submitted additional comment.
I'm extremely
proud to say that the Sunset Commissioners did not believe
most of the TLC's testimony. This is a hearing you should
all watch. The TLC's testimony starts around 11:55 am.
8/14/24 My comments (apps vs couriers), (pdf) click here
8/19/24 My comments based on testimony, (pdf) click here
8/19/24 Part 2 - New Stories Submitted (pdf), Click here
The Sunset Staff Report (pdf), click here
Watch the Sunset Hearing (8/14/24) (video), click here
The Surprising European Links
To A $95M Lotto Texas Win
This unbelievable investigative story appeared
in the Houston Chronicle in early October.
It appears a group of 3 people from Malta
with financing from London, used IPads and
QR Codes to purchase nearly 26 million tickets.
With of course, help from the Texas Lottery and
G-Tech. How very sad it is that our lottery would
screw their loyal lottey players. Posted 10/14/24
Houston Chronicle- Click here
News Nation - Click here
KKam Radio - Click here
May I suggest you do a Google Search for
the many stories that have been written now.
$95 Million Lotto Texas win had stacked
odds, a
Chronicle Investigation found.
Now there's new rules.
Eric Dexheimer, Houston Chronicle, covered the Sunset
TRUE & fantastic investigative story ...
Requires you to subscribe - It's worth it!
8/21/24 - Click here.
Texas Lotto changes rules after
a Houston Chronicle investigation
The reporting found a mass ticket buying scheme
among wealthy investors. Texas Standard 8/22/24
A Must Read - - Click Here
Someone Spent $25 Million on Lottery Tickets
to Guarantee a Win. And It Worked.
Vice - 8/22/24 - Another Must Read - Click here
Lawmakers discuss handling of online
couriers with Texas Lottery Commission
KTRH Local Houston and Texas News -8/21/24 - Click here
I spent $25 million on lottery tickets to ensure a $95 million jackpot
it was all legal thanks to a rush order move. They crunched
the numbers for the payment needed to win
The U.S. Sun - 8/22/24 - Click here
Are Online Lottery Sales
Endangering Our Kids?
Dallas Express Texas Scorecard
8/18/24 - Click Here
As it appeared in the
Houston Chronicle on 5/7/24 ...
"How A Pop-Up Ticket Vendor With
Troubles Aided In A
Sure Fire Texas Lotto Win"
I cannot begin the express the necessity
that all Texas Lottery
players read this
story at any cost. You are all gambling with
your hard earned dollars so you SHOULD
be aware of
the things the Texas Lottery
does to literally cheat you out of
your money.
Many of you learned a valuable lesson when
bought the Fun 5 tickets back
in 2014. PLEASE, I urge you,
pay 25 cents to read this story.
Posted 5/8/24. Click here
As it appeared front page of
The Houston Chronicle ...
"How Someone Stacked The
Odds In Their Favor To
Win A
$95 Million Texas Lottery Jackpot"
WOW - What a fantastic investigative
by Eric Dexheimer about the
"bought $95 Million jackpot"
A MUST read for all lottery players
even if you have to pay 25 cents
to read it. I will post additional
comments in the coming days.
Posted 4/22/24 -
Click here
Gary Grief Testify's ...
At a House Licensing & Administrative
Hearing ... Go watch the video - he's the
first witness ... He calls "Jackpocket" - an app
that allows you to buy lottery tickets online -
a "messenger service." What a line of BS he
fed the committee ... Online lottery sales is
ILLEGAL in Texas - if our 17,000 retailers
knew they could charge an extra fee for
selling tickets, they'd do it.
Click here to watch the video.
(When you get to this page, scroll
down to click the June 7, 2022 hearing.)